July 5, 2023

The Truth About Stock Photos: Pros and Cons You Need to Know

The Truth About Stock Photos: Pros and Cons You Need to Know

Stock photos have become a critical component in content marketing for many businesses and organizations, as they help to add flavor to their marketing campaigns. These pictures are readily available for purchase on the internet, and users can find them on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, iStock, and Getty Images. However, there continue to be debates about the pros and cons of using cheap stock photos for marketing and online content creation. This article aims to examine this debate, and explore the truth about, providing both their pros and cons.

Pros of using


One of the most significant advantages of purchasing stock images is their cost. Compared to hiring a professional photographer to shoot your pictures, stock images are much more affordable and can provide a reasonable alternative for small budget businesses. The only expense involved in acquiring stock pictures is the price of the photo license, which is typically a fraction of what one would pay for custom photography.


Stock photos provide businesses and content creators with a wide range of options. There are thousands of pictures available on stock photography websites covering every topic you can imagine. It makes it easy for users to find high-quality images that match their marketing campaign. Besides, stock images offer an easy way of avoiding the legal issues associated with using copyrighted images. As long as you purchase the appropriate rights to use the picture, you will not have to worry about infringing an artist's copyright.

Time saving

Stock images are readily accessible, and purchasing the required license is extremely easy. Time generally consumed in planning and preparing for a photo shoot is eliminated, and the user only needs to search for images online, select the image they want, and complete the purchase process. This means a fast turnaround time for content creation and a timelier release of the marketing campaign.

Cons of using

Limited authenticity

Stock photos are generally shot on a white background, with perfect lighting, and are often staged for a particular purpose. This makes them seem somewhat artificial and inauthentic. Users might struggle with creating genuine content that their target audience can easily identify with, as the use of doctored or set-up images can often leave people feeling disconnected from a campaign. Also, given their availability to the general public, there is a risk that your competitors or other businesses may use similar or identical images in their marketing campaigns, which makes it difficult to stand out.

Limited customization

One of the limitations of high resolution stock images is that they can only be customized to a certain degree. For instance, while you can change the size and orientation of an image, altering the lighting or color of a picture can be quite challenging. Also, since are pre-shot for general use, it's often cumbersome to find a picture that will fit seamlessly with a specific marketing campaign. This challenge might result in an image that seems out of place or unnatural when added to the rest of the marketing materials.

Risk of being overused

Stock photos are easily accessible and frequently used, which means that there's a risk of having the same images overused across different websites and marketing materials. Using the same popular images can be detrimental to your marketing campaigns, as your content will lack originality and it will make it appear less exciting. While it's possible to get your hands on exclusive rights to a stock photo, it often comes with a more considerable investment, which may be unfeasible for some businesses.

Lack of uniqueness

Stock photos are generally not unique since they are available for purchase by everyone on the internet. It often results in the same photos getting used in multiple marketing campaigns which can feel a bit repetitive. For some audiences that are used to seeing the same over and over, it can result in the campaign losing its impact. A fresh picture that resonates well with the campaign may be a better approach where possible.


In conclusion, high res stock photos are a good option when looking for affordable and readily available images, but it's imperative to use them in a controlled manner. A well-designed marketing campaign uses various methods such as personal design, and custom-shot photos to give the content the uniqueness it needs. Stock photos are an excellent secondary option that can enhance the campaign without being the main ingredient. While they have their limitations, when used judiciously, they can be a valuable tool in creating engaging content. However, it is important for businesses to be mindful of the risks in overusing and think creatively about how they can differentiate themselves from competitors in their marketing endeavors.

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